Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Now I Have Two, or, Time for Brittany to Get a Life

To demonstrate the fierce competition for BYU intramural championship T-shirts, I submit a photo snapped on 600 North:
The masking tape failed overnight, but that navy blob in the window—yes, that's the neighbor's newly acquired intramural championship T-shirt, hung up so the world can know an intramural champion lives here.

Now, what to do with mine?
The Gras Fairez (the boys tried to be Grass Fairies last season but BYU frowned on that, thus the new, Latin-esque spelling) claimed the upper-division soccer title. I celebrated by basking in intramural dominance at the pool with Emily (who won her own matching t-shirt in softball that day).

1 comment:

Diane said...

You did it!! YEAH!!! Congratulations!