Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Am the One Spamming You

The newsletter, which I am not fond but am the boss of, finally launched. And now, back to writing.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Riding For Jesus

So Britt and I took our first real motorcycle ride of the year the other day when it warmed up to the farm pastures of west Springville.

When I got out my helmet I was reminded of my faux pas from last year. I was going to ride the motorcycle late at night last fall when it was dark and wanted to be extra visible so I put some reflective tape on my helmet. It wasn't until later that someone pointed out to me that I put it in the shape of a cross. Ever since then when I put my helmet on we joke that I'm "riding for Jesus".

Along the way we saw lots of fun furry creatures including baby goats!

And this scary looking guy.

And I thought this was a fun picture of my harley momma with Mount Timpanogos in the background.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi Niels!

Niels's current abode was en route to their destination in Napa. Naturally, they did what any missionary parents would do: take a picture of his house and mail it to him.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"A Sampling of Chinglish"

More in today's NY Times.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Granddog Watches Animal Planet

Yes, Colleen called it her granddog.

Is this a passive-aggressive plea for more grandchildren? Or is it that Janie has such human-like characteristics, watching so intently to see who gets kept on Animal Planet's "It's Me or the Dog."