Sunday, April 22, 2012

He Done Graduated

I present masters of statistics. These are some of the guys from Spence's cohort. Their futures span from outerwear clothing company GoreTex to ESPN to Church administration to medicine. Spencer is interviewing . . . our fingers are crossed!

And thank you, Mountain Dew. He couldn't have done it without you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Comin' Right Up

Spring issue is in the mail.

Read about the cool lawyer lady in my ward (and thank heaven that blew over).

And for starting off writing about North Korea and then being asked not to say anything negative about North Korea but still write about the guy who has to make deals with North Korea, I think this turned out alright: Of Crown and Country.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wikipedia Has My Back

The drive from Salt Lake to Sacramento is entirely too long, Nevada entirely too desolate. But making the trip to California to see Madison get baptized was entirely worth it. I'll post more on that and share pictures later . . .

This post, instead, is about vindication. Vindication for my answer to a question in the trivia board game Bezzer Wizzer.

You cannot truly understand the necessity unless you have played a board game with JJ. He's a great older brother, mind you. At age 15, he would still play Herd Your Horses with his 10-year-old sister anytime she asked. There's something to be said for that—not many older brothers would ever play Herd Your Horses. Then again, there's not many-a 15-year-old brother who throw the Herd Your Horses cards in said 10-year-old sister's face. (He still claims I cheated.) In his defense, the throwing of Herd Your Horses pieces was less frequent. More often than not, it was Monopoly that was the problem—that and Jace really was cheating.

In any case, playing Bezzer Wizzer this weekend, I got a question asking what the 1925 case of John Scopes vs. Darrow was nicknamed. I said, "the Scopes Monkey Trial." I even knew it was about teaching evolution in schools. (Impressive, right?) The answer card, however, said "Monkey Trial"—and JJ deemed my answer incorrect. Not only did he deem, he attacked. I maintain that "Scopes" was part of the question, thus non-disqualifying. I think even Alex Trebek would agree.

Despite JJ's passionately—vehemently—made case, Niels had my back. All the inlaws had my back. And it looks like Wikipedia has by back too:

The Scopes Trial was "formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and informally known as the Scopes Monkey Trial," says Wikipedia. (

I must admit, though, it was fun to feel like a kid again with JJ—being attacked over a board game. J Sure miss that guy, his beautiful wife, and his fun kids.