Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Gaylen Proud

Yes, it's only accounting 200. But I can be proud.

I get to take classes for free at BYU, and while adding 3–6 credits to a 40-hour work week can make me a little crazy, I feel guilty when I don't take advantage of this benefit. For the first couple years, I took rock climbing, etc.—all those really enlarging classes. I should have been chipping away at a master's degree. Trouble is, I change my mind all the time on what I would hypothetically want to get a master's in. The latest idea is an MPA—though, in addition to sociology, it's stats and econ and accounting heavy. Thus my recent foray into the econ and accounting. And while I may never get that MPA, it's good to try new things, and it's good for building business acumen.

Oh, and I'm taking ballet again—and I still fit into my old tights and shoes. Can't decide whether it's good or bad that I've hardly grown since I was 14. Vertically, bad; horizontally, good.

1 comment:

GRH said...

You missed your true calling as a bean counter Missey