Thursday, May 6, 2010

Riding For Jesus

So Britt and I took our first real motorcycle ride of the year the other day when it warmed up to the farm pastures of west Springville.

When I got out my helmet I was reminded of my faux pas from last year. I was going to ride the motorcycle late at night last fall when it was dark and wanted to be extra visible so I put some reflective tape on my helmet. It wasn't until later that someone pointed out to me that I put it in the shape of a cross. Ever since then when I put my helmet on we joke that I'm "riding for Jesus".

Along the way we saw lots of fun furry creatures including baby goats!

And this scary looking guy.

And I thought this was a fun picture of my harley momma with Mount Timpanogos in the background.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Glad to see the helmets...proud of you!
