Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sneaky Little Hitchcock

We've taken to Monday-night Hitchcock screenings at the National Theatre. I've now caught Rebecca and Strangers on a Train; Spencer's seen a bunch of others too. Generally speaking, I have very low tolerance for old films. Hitchcock has changed all that.

And, because I just learned this, and because I want you to know too, did you know that he makes a cameo in every one of his films? Often as a portly man carrying a large musical instrument. See if you can find him.

Monday, July 18, 2011


The summer issue is to bed, coming to mailboxes near you.

Two more interviews with ambassadors and I think I can start writing the fall feature that is due, oh, Friday. Only 25 interviews to sort through. And another life goal: take the Foreign Service Exam.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tom Riddle Killed My TV

Our new plasma screen bit the dust last night. The screen went out—just in time for World Cup Eve. What rot.

In other news, I'm now caught up and ready for Potter 7.2, the final movie installment. I told Niels I couldn't go because I missed one in the lineup, movie no. 6. And guess what he surprised me with last night.

Look Alikes

I finally figured out who Hope Solo looks like: Spencer's sister TRICIA!
Here's Hope:
And here's Tricia:

Quite a compliment—both Tricia and Hope are beauties.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wambaching It In

We've got World Cup Feva. USA sent those Frenchies home crying . . . and then in our own game, Niels had a hat trick and I had put in a header, for Wambach. By the way, has anyone else noticed that when she scores, she runs straight for the corner flag? I may or may not have also consumed all the content, player bios, videos, etc. etc. on team USA's site today (and gotten all nostalgic for my soccer pals back in CO).

And after 20-plus years as a soccer mom, Coco officially converted today: she wished soccer was bigger back when because she'd love to play. I told her she could come be on mine and Niels' team.

Let's beat Japan!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer in DC

So, I have been out in DC this summer interning at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. So far it has been a really fun experience and I have enjoyed it immensely. Britt came out to visit me over the fourth of July and that was really fun.

I thought it would be fun to display my new found knowledge of our nation's capital by posting part of the map of downtown DC below with the most important landmarks pointed out. As you can see, I don't think I've missed anything. (If you click on the image you will be able to see it clearly)

If there is anything anybody would like to know more about in particular about my summer in DC then just make a comment on this post and I'll do a new post with more interesting things.

Go Nationals!!

A 20-Train Day

The number of train cars Taylor draws in Primary is usually indicative of the kind of day he's having. This is one side of four pages covered front and back. Suffice it to say it was a rough day for both of us.

Why I Was Late to Church

Niels found me on the couch when he got home from his meetings. I had to explain the drama of Hope Solo's PKs. And then we witnessed the 122nd minute together.


For the record, I called it. Ask Niels. I told him we were going to score, one minute left, and that it would be epic.

And yet, you cannot forget Marta. Marta, Marta, Marta.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

He's Kind of a Big Deal

I don't know what you were watching, but I just saw Gaylen championing GAAP in a live video broadcast about IFRS on the SEC's Website. Yes, I speak accounting acronyms.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Everywhere Niels Made Out While I Was Gone

-Rock Canyon Park
-In front of the swamp cooler in my kitchen
-University Ave parade route
-In Sarah's car
-In Sarah's parents' backyard

-In the Malibu (he denies this adamantly . . . perhaps too adamantly)
-Top of the Y

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Roomie Reunion

In a sea of thousands of people, we just so happened to run into some of my favorite Cougars on the west lawn of the Capitol before the National Symphony took the stage. Laura (center) was my roommate in the house on University Ave, and in BYU fashion, she married our home teacher Jesse, who was also in my rock-climbing class. They are avid rock/ice climbers, and I'm sure June Girl will be no exception (I love that they call her that).

Apparently we're all getting old; I can't believe Laura is already finished PA school and Jesse is almost a lawyer. If you never played Ticket to Ride before you played with me and Spence, you have Laura to thank—her and her mission companions in Korea.

Here we are earlier that day, posing for what we were promised was the world's largest photo project, mid–Smithsonian Folk Life Festival.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sited at D.C.'s Fourth of July Parade

-A sunflower-motif float featuring 12 dancing, striptease (and possibly gay) cowboys
-Poor Abe Lincoln stuck on the float with blonde doing karaoke of Katy Perry's "Firework"
-Seventh-Day Adventist, toting a 10-foot wooden cross, running from an overweight policeman who was trying to get him out of the parade