Friday, December 17, 2010

Burned to the Ground

The first Brigham Young University graduation (1904), above, was held at the Provo Tabernacle. Everybody apparently dressed like they were getting married.

Wouldn't it have been fun to commence there? (1938, above)

And of course, before that, it was a symbol of pioneer sweat and sacrifice, built in the 1800s in the style of a Presbyterian chapel; Wilfrod Woodruff noted this was useful for the youth to know the environment of worship their elders grew up in.

A few of my BYU memories played out there. Who could forget those cushy pews?

Where was Jace when you need him?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Looking for Cheerleaders

From Grandma and Grandpa K:

Hi Britt and Spence!

Barbara and I are going to that Bowl Game, flying down on Thursday, Dec 16th, and coming back on Sunday or we might drive down with Kip and Vern. Any chance you could get an assignment to cover that story and meet us there? Wouldn't that be fun!

In any event, we are definitely going and we have these questions:

A. Can you get us tickets to sit in the student section? We like to be where all the action is, band, cheerleaders, etc.

B. Do you know what the schedule of events is, like maybe a pep rally, dinner and dance, tailgate parties, etc?

C. Do you know which hotel all the BYU people will be at? Again, we want to be where all the action is.

Love, your Go Go Grandparents!


Planning on watching Jimmer-mania in Glenn Falls, N.Y., tonight as BYU plays Vermont in Fredette's hometown. All of our female interns, married and single, want to interview him for the magazine. And he's eliciting some pretty fun fan signs. My favorite: Jimmered, held up when someone, naturally, gets Jimmered.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I love that my job required me to eat this. Photoshoot cleanup, you know.

(Photo by Brad Slade)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Todo Bien

We did Costa Rica, con mucho gusto. More to come.